Thursday, November 6, 2014

Day 44 (cont.): Danube Bend, and into Hungary

Welcome to Magyorszag!

entering Esztergom

styles may change, but Esztergom architectural color schemes (apparently) remain the same...  note the stand-alone waterslide, a not-uncommon site around Eastern Europe that we should totally adopt more frequently in the US

Esztergom Cathedral: famous for being big

it is freaking big.  this painting is purportedly the biggest in the world on a single canvas

the literatures sez this chapel (a lone hold-out since the rest of the church has long since been destroyed and rebuilt) is "the most beautiful renaissance monument in central europe" or something like that.  it's way less well lit than my camera makes it seem here.  (my camera rocks at dark domes.)

slovakia, from whence we came

the cathedral is built on roman walls, over a mighty impressive (and still very much in use) tunnel 

topiary willows?

sandy beach - a danubian rarity.  i was listening to songs of leonard cohen at this point.

1 comment:

  1. The willows look pruned by deer or some mammal- like some of the pines in the 'dacks. The Church looked primarily big- without other features to recommend it. How does one pronounce "Esztergom?" "Estergom"??
