Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Days 48-50: Budapest > Baja (and beyond)

while it was a pretty straight shot south along the river (look how nicely these maps line up!) the first 2 or 2.5 days of this were some of the most annoying riding of the trip, routewise, involving many annoying and uninformed choices between boring and/or dangerous highways and the official EuroVelo route along grassy and/or gravel and/or barely-there dirt paths.  that last stretch to Baja, though... pure gold!

Monday 10/11: Budapest to (outside) Tokol (21.5 km)

Tuesday 11/11: Tokol to Harta (87.5 km)

Wednesday 12/11: Dunaupatej to Dunafalva (~87 km)

And then, on our final evening in probably the least cycle-friendly country of the trip so far, we arrived at the Gemenc Wanderpoint (not the right spelling), a kind of impossible fantasy fairy wonderland which offered pretty much everything a haggard cycle-tourist could want – internet, WC, laundry, showers, a rudimentary kitchen of fridge, kettle and microwave (which we – or rather Elsa – used to make two bags of popcorn) and, had we wanted it, a shelter under which to pitch a tent for the night – all completely free, in a spiffy, spotless facility, and to top it off, nobody in particular around with whom we felt obliged to make chit-chat... 

as you can see, it was brand spanking new – it'd been open for a week or maybe two, but we were the very first cyclists to grace it with our presence.  (ergo, eventually, the lovely folks behind the project did eventually show up to take our pictures.)

the view from the vanderpoint

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