Saturday, November 1, 2014

Day 33-36: along the Danube – maps and pictures

More maps for you!  (or maybe they're really for me?)  First, a few more pictures of our lovely Gallneukirchen hosts.  Sadly we are apparently missing pix of Herbert's handmade wooden toys (not to mention H+H serenading us on guitar and recorder), but here's some of their fairytale yard and house, plus Herta with some baby rosemary:

they make a large surplus of solar energy to sell back to the power companies

the contents of an old down comforter, now being used as carbon for the compost!


Sunday 26/10...just a quick (but annoyingly indirect and hilly) ride into Linz, as we couldn't get it together to do much else.  kind of a meh day... actually it was Austria's National Day – our hosts told us it's the anniversary of the end of the post-WWII occupation; maybe so, but Wikipedia says it commemorates the Declaration of Neutrality ("Since 1955,[2] neutrality has become a deeply ingrained element of Austrian identity..." )  hmm...  maybe that explains some things.

Linz Hauptplatz; the start of a rather pleasant major shopping street in the old town

here's Klement, our host in Linz

the aforementioned goulash soup, pork, cabbage and bacon salad

Monday 27/10, our start along the Donauradweg!  80k!

the (not particularly blue) danube

the scenic town of Greinz, where we finally found some stove fuel (kerosene; called "petroleum" here), not at a tobacconists, a camping goods store, or a hardware/farmer's supply, but at a pharmacy

Tuesday, 28/10, longest day of the trip so far, though according to this google reckoning we may not have actually broken the 100k barrier.

cranking (and crankiness) (and headwinds) didn't leave us much time to slow down and enjoy the ample charms of the windy wachau wine region, and i didn't take many photos (though we did get some nice local white wine with our black pudding at a much-needed lunch stop), but we did take elevenses at Willendorf, where this little lady was found a little over 100 years ago:

(er, this is a much-magnified model)

Wednesday 29/10, final push into Vienna
Nibelunglied statue in Tulln

Klosterneuburg; where the church is better than the internet (or the food.)  love that roof tiling!

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