Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Maps and Pics from the "Swedish Riviera"

HALMSTAD, SWEDEN -- These were our routes (approximately) for the first three days of cycling, from Gothenburg down the coast of Halland – the first night was mostly suburban and industrialized highway-side, but the last two days have featured plenty of farmland (cows, sheep, horses, ponies) and scenic seaside included lots of resort villages and caravan parks that are mostly closed for the season (but still good for scavenging some running water/dishwashing facilities when camping on the beach!)

Saturday night 20/9: from Göteborg to a parking lot in a nature reserve west of Lindome

Sunday 21/9: Lindome to Kärradal (north of Varberg) (68 km/42 miles)

Monday 22/9: Kärradal to Halmstad (87+ km/54 miles) 
a rough one... cold and windy (serious headwinds in Boberg farm country) and exhausting

plotting our route over hostel breakfast in Göteborg

Esmé and Ferdy getting psyched up, by a Göteborg canal

taken by some Danish students on a weekend trip

they said "look more excited!"

no cars allowed on the highway (?)

the mistress of gleaning

the church in Vallda...yes, the one that jj sing about.  I admit that we took this little detour mostly because of that song.  nice church though.  Vallda only gets a 2.5/10 though b/c we were having a disruption.

delicious lunch break sausage in the square at Kungsbacka.  Kungsbacka gets an 8.6

all our mustards in a row!

in Åsa.  Just like the Jens Lekman song!  except it's on Mondays.  Åsa gets a 3; we couldn't find a bathroom.

this was across the street from a plum-purple car with a "666" decal

we cycled by this church at precisely 6pm, as the bells were tolling, seemingly by hand.  then the little window in the tower closed its little shutters.

golden hour clouds

typical scenery along the Ginstleden Cykelspåret

in Varberg (7.8!)  Elsa wonders whether this is a good place to stay.

 sunset, entering Halmstad

same view, different light settings


  1. Your town rating system seems a bit arbitrary! Thanks for sharing the photos - but more church interiors, please. :)

    Missing you guys. Listening to a lot of swedish/icelandic music since getting home, but I think I've almost accepted that I'm back at work.

  2. we've mostly been moving too fast for church interiors so far but hopefully that will change soon. i did try to peek into the vallda kyrka but there was something happening in there that i didn't want to disturb.

    all rating systems are arbitrary. this one is emphatically subjective but hopefully reflective of something.

    any music standing out? we sang a bit of the ark today in honor of being close to their hometown (which i thought was malmö but is apparently växjö)

  3. Ha! Lovely. I give this entry an 8.8.
