Thursday, October 16, 2014

Pictures from Potsdam: Sanssouci park/palaces and the Oelmüller string instrument workshop

Frederick "The Great" II's "care-free" summer home
(no photos were allowed inside without a permit, sadly)

The gang on the Sanssouci steps: E, Johanna, Bronwin, Vale, Sean, Magdalena, R

Old Fritz (aka Frederick the Great)'s grave marker; (very) belatedly restored to his desired resting place.  He was largely responsible for introducing the potato as a German staple.

this room features 49 (!) copies of Rafael paintings

dragon house

the Neue Palais: it looks pink but the bricks are actually red

atmospheric dusk near the "Roman baths"

Vale's workshop

the early stages of Johanna's new gamba-to-be

"Chinoiserie" by Grandpa Joe

gut strings, drying and stretching 

vintage string-stretching machine from South Germany

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